MCB Srilanka


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Kids Savings

Pave the future for your child!

As a parent, you want to see your child grow up to be a responsible citizen while making the right choices in life. MCB Bank Kids Savings Account gives you ease of mind as your child takes on the challenges in life, plus it comes loaded with a host of other benefits.

LKR 1,000

Initial Deposit

TIER Based

Interest Rates View Interest Rates


Gift Scheme *Kidz Club Account

Set up Standing Instructions Free of Charge

Set up standing instructions from the parent/ guardian account at MCB with no extra cost and let your child’s account grow effortlessly.

Automatic Transfer Facility

Which can be linked to any of your accounts, so in case you forget, your kid's savings will still grow.

As your Bank for Life, we know that your child means the world to you. Walk into any MCB Branch and open a Kid's Savings Account today, or simply call our hotline for more information.

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