MCB Srilanka


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Foreign Currency Accounts

For when you need financial diversity

Save in any designated foreign currency and enjoy attractive returns on your savings. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to convert your savings to Rupees as you see fit.

USD 100

Initial deposit or equivalent for Savings

USD 10,000

Initial deposit or equivalent for Term Deposits


Interest Rates View Interest Rates

Types of Accounts

Personal Foreign Currency Accounts Business Foreign Currency Accounts

Virtual Banking Service

Lets you do all your banking from home or office. Receive daily, weekly or monthly statements.

Competitive Exchange Rates at conversion

Enjoy the most competitive rates in the market when converting your foreign currency.

Foreign Exchange Accounts

The following account types can be opened and maintained under the regulations of Foreign Exchange Control.

Inward Investment Accounts, Outward Investment Accounts and Capital Transactions Rupee Accounts and Diplomatic Foreign Currency Accounts may be opened and maintained as Current (without cheque drawing facility), Savings or Term Deposit accounts in Sri Lanka Rupees or any designated foreign currency.

Inward Investment Accounts, Diplomatic Foreign Currency Accounts and Diplomatic Rupee Accounts maintained by individuals may be held as sole or joint accounts with another eligible person.

* Opening, maintaining of above accounts are subject to the r Exchange Control rules and regulations at the time of opening and performing any transaction.

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