MCB Srilanka


All MCB Branches are open for business from 9.00am to 3.00pm to serve you with counter transactions. We encourage you to use our digital banking channels for 24/7 fast & convenient banking services. ---- All MCB Branches are open for business from 9.00am to 3.00pm to serve you with counter transactions. We encourage you to use our digital banking channels for 24/7 fast & convenient banking services. ----

For further assistance please contact us on +94 115 000 622

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Date 26-04-2024

Currency Type Currency Telegraphic Transfers
Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate
US Dollar (USD) 289.00 305.00 292.50 301.50
Sterling Pound (GBP) 359.40 383.40 363.90 378.90
Japanese Yen (JPY) 1.8396 1.9796 1.8646 1.9546
EURO (EUR) 307.53 329.53 311.03 326.03
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 36.83 39.03 36.93 38.93
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 210.40 226.40 212.90 223.90
Chinese Yuan (CNY) 38.89 43.09 39.49 42.49
Saudi Riyal (SAR) 74.19 84.19 75.19 83.19

Note - Exchange Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Please call us on our hotline to find the latest exchange rates applicable.

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