Interest Rates effective from January 01, 2024

Savings Deposits

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Up to 999 NIL NIL
1,000 - 499,999 3.50% 4.25%
500,000 and above 9.5% 9.75%

Minor Savings Deposits

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Up to 999 NIL NIL
1,000 - 24,999 2.50% 3.00%
25,000 - 99,999 3.00% 3.50%
100,000 - 499,999 4.00% 4.50%
500,000 and above 5.00% 5.50%

Kidz Club Account

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Up to 999 NIL NIL
Over 1,000 4.00% 4.50%

Call Deposits

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Call Deposits 4.00% 4.50%

Time Deposits

Description Min Rate Max Rate
1 Mnt 8.00% (AER 8.30%) 8.50% (AER 8.84%)
3 Mnts 11.50% (AER 12.01%) 12.00% (AER 12.55%)
6 Mnts 10.50% (AER 10.78%) 11.00% (AER 11.30%)
1 Year - Interest Payable Monthly 9.50% (AER 9.92%) 9.80% (AER 10.25%)
1 Year - Interest Payable at Maturity 10.00% (AER 10.00%) 10.50% (AER 10.50%)
2 Years - Interest Payable Monthly 9.40% (AER 9.82%) 9.75% (AER 10.20%)
2 Years - Interest Payable at Maturity 10.50% (AER 10.00%) 11.00% (AER 10.45%)
3 Years - Interest Payable Monthly 9.25% (AER 9.65%) 9.75% (AER 10.20%)
3 Years - Interest Payable at Maturity 11.00% (AER 9.97%) 11.50% (AER 10.38%)
4 Years - Interest Payable Monthly 9.00% (AER 9.38%) 9.25% (AER 9.65%)
4 Years - Interest Payable at Maturity 11.00% (AER 9.54%) 11.50% (AER 9.92%)

FCY Savings

Description Min Rate Max Rate
US Dollar 0.50% 0.75%
Sterling Pound 1.00% 2.00%
Euro 1.00% 2.00%
Australian Dollar 0.0% 0.0%
Singapore Dollar 0.50% 1.00%
Japanese Yen 0.13% 0.63%
Hong Kong Dollar 0.50% 1.00%

FCY Term Deposits - 1 Month

Description Min Rate Max Rate
USD 0.75% (AER-0.75%) 1.00% (AER-1.00%)
GBP 1.00% (AER-1.00%) 2.00% (AER-2.02%)
EUR 1.00% (AER-1.00%) 2.00% (AER-2.02%)

FCY Term Deposits - 3 Months

Description Min Rate Max Rate
USD 1.00% (AER-1.00%) 1.25% (AER-1.26%)
GBP 1.00% (AER-1.00%) 2.00% (AER-2.02%)
EUR 1.00% (AER-1.00%) 2.00% (AER-2.02%)

FCY Term Deposits - 6 Months

Description Min Rate Max Rate
USD 1.25% (AER-1.26%) 1.50% (AER-1.51%)
GBP 1.50% (AER-1.51%) 2.50% (AER-2.52%)
EUR 1.50% (AER-1.51%) 2.50% (AER-2.52%)

FCY Term Deposits - 1 Year

Description Min Rate Max Rate
USD 1.50% (AER-1.50%) 1.75% (AER-1.75%)
GBP 1.50% (AER-1.50%) 2.50% (AER-2.50%)
EUR 1.50% (AER-1.50%) 2.50% (AER-2.50%)

Interest Rates on Advances

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Export Bill Finance - Rupee Facilities _ _
Import Bill Finance - Rupee Facilities _ _
Lease Finance _ _
Lending to small & Medium Scale Industries (SMEs) _ _
US Dollar Loans to Exporters _ _
Personal Loans _ _
Car4U _ _
Home Loan (Exsisting Facilities only) _ _


Description Min Rate Max Rate
Permanent _ _
Temporary _ _

Penal Rate on Over Dues

Description Min Rate Max Rate
Penal Rate on Over Dues _ _

Note - Interest Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Please call us on our hotline to find the latest interest rates applicable.

Note - Interest rates may vary between the given range (minimum/ maximum) and subject to thresholds specified for each product.

Note - For interest rates on advances/ facility products, please contact the bank.

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